
Compounders Stock Market Academy’s mission is to provide an extraordinary and sincere gift: a concrete and realistically attainable roadmap to financial security.   Our mission is joyous.  We are thrilled and delighted every time someone entrusts us with the honor of showing them how to attain financial liberation.

Financial freedom is a secure canvas on which you can paint the art of your life.  Liberation from the gnawing corrosion of financial stress elevates your self-worth and provides the space to enable your achievements.  Financial liberation is not happiness per se, but it enables it.

I know fabulously rich people who are miserable, angry and isolated.  Yes, wealth does not equal happiness, it is only the canvas.   But my acquaintances who never secured their financial needs live in psychological shadows and exhaust themselves figuring out how to meet today’s expenses tomorrow.  When I offer to show them how they might reverse their predicament, they are often disinterested.  They view their situation as hopeless, fatalistic and inevitable.  They aren’t even curious to hear what I have to say.  What is inevitable is their further descent into financial morass – and no one I ever met in my life won big at the lottery.

What a gift it is to know that you can meet your financial needs for education, housing and food, health and medical, transportation, recreation and retirement if you want to retire.  But society makes it hard.

The difficulty starts young.  Most K-12 schools don’t teach financial literacy; nor do most non-business college curriculums.  My guess is that only a tiny part of the under-50 population understands the power of compounding, or what it’s like to be elderly and totally dependent on government programs to survive.

Most Americans don’t have enough savings to maintain their living standard in retirement.  Healthcare costs for a retired couple can easily exceed $300,000.  Almost 45 million people carry student loan debt.  The top 10% of U.S. households hold about 70% of all the wealth.  And the grimness goes on.

But not for you!  Charting your course to financial freedom is NOT hard, and it is very interesting.  It is not gambling.  It is smart and attainable.  What is reckless is doing nothing about it, thinking you intuitively know when you don’t, or deferring and procrastinating the development of your own roadmap.