Want to make a lot of money in the stock market?

Do you want to make a lot of money in the stock market? I mean a lot of money, somewhat unethically? Well here are 2 ways to do it. The first way is to become a professional money manager or investment advisor. And this way you can charge your clients lots and lots of fees for underperforming the markets, for suboptimal performance.

Happens all the time. Happens more often than not. And the second way that you can make a lot of money in the stock market, somewhat unethically, somewhat dubiously, is to become a member of the United States House of Representatives or the Senate. Because if you do, if you learn about information in a private hearing, in a non-public hearing, okay, that was just gonna cause the price of the stock of a company to move up or down, you can trade that stock, okay, without anybody knowing the information, so long as you report your trade within 45 days after you make it. That’s all you need to do.

So you’ve got plenty of time to be under the wire. I think this is outrageous. A whole bunch of people in Congress do this thing. I think it’s awful. And there’s actually a bill outstanding to shut this whole thing down.

But I’ve got a much better idea. Let these congressmen, let these members of the Senate and the House make their trades. Let them push those buttons and execute those trades with the following conditions. When they push that button, they can’t take the trade back. But the trade will not be executed for a couple of trading days.

Yet the minute they push that button to enter the trade, the trade immediately goes to a public website that everyone can see, so that we the public can trade that stock before the trade will go through for these politicians. And this way, we get to front run these politicians. We get the advantage. We finally get the advantage over all these people. These senators and congressmen.

I think it’s a great idea. I want to know what you think. Let me know.